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The Therapy

The Therapy

We believe that dendritic cell vaccination in Cologne was one of the key elements of Nikodem’s treatment, which helped boost his immune system against cancer cells and prevented the disease from recurring. Moreover, therapy did not cause any side effects. Below, we provide the essential information regarding the therapy, while a detailed description can be found on the clinic’s website.

What is the treatment composed of?

The personalized immunotherapy aims to attack cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. To achieve this, the clinic combines several treatment methods.

The foundation is the dendritic cell vaccine, individually prepared for each patient. It activates the patient’s immune system to fight against the tumor. Dendritic cells play a crucial role as messengers, and a harmless virus is used. Similar to traditional vaccines, the immune system can build immunological memory against tumor antigens, ensuring long-term effectiveness.

An important element of the therapy is the oncolytic virus Newcastle, which attacks cancer cells while being harmless to healthy cells.

Modulated electro-hyperthermia raises the temperature and stimulates cancer cells using electromagnetic waves, without affecting healthy tissue.

Other components of the therapy include immune checkpoint inhibitors and tumor microenvironment modulation, which can be learned about in more detail on the clinic’s website.

To optimize the immune system’s function, the clinic offers infusions of microelements and vitamins.

The Therapy

The Clinic

The treatment center is located in the center of Cologne, Germany, which is well-connected to all major European cities. The clinic has its own laboratories that adhere to the highest European standards. English-speaking staff is available on-site, and online consultations are also possible.

When is the most appropriate time to undergo our immunotherapy?

The therapy can be conducted at any time after the cancer diagnosis. Current research suggests that immunotherapy yields the best long-term results in early stages of cancer. It is more effective when the tumor mass is smaller, i.e., in early stages or after surgery. The therapy can be combined with any conventional method after medical consultation.

The Therapy

What are the costs of the therapy?

The clinic determines the cost of therapy individually, depending on the selected treatment. However, based on our experience, the full cycle of treatment costs around 50,000-60,000 euros. Of course, in most cases, patients are unable to cover the costs themselves. That was the case for us as well. We owe a lot to the crowfunding, which prevented us from bankruptcy and efficiently helped us raise an amount of around 300,000 euros. If you need information on how to initiate a fundraising campaign for treatment abroad, feel free to contact us. 

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Individual immunotherapy available at the clinic can be used in the treatment of solid tumors such as:

Brain tumors (multiform glioblastoma, meningioma, ependymoma, medulloblastoma, DIPG),bowel cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer, malignant melanoma, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, thyroid cancer, anal cancer, bile duct cancer, bone cancer. 

Leukemias and bone marrow cancers are not the most responsive to this type of treatment.

What is the typical course of treatment and how long does it last?

After the initial consultation, the doctors discuss and establish the treatment plan. Typically, it consists of two cycles, each lasting 8 days. The final stage involves assessing the immune system and the effectiveness of vaccination. The entire protocol lasts about 5 weeks. For detailed information about the treatment process, please refer to the clinic’s website.